Thursday, September 8, 2011


                Today, no matter where you are, advertisements must appear around you. According the passage "Hype" by Kalle Lasn, she demonstrates that everyone is affected by the advertisements. Even you are a teenager or an adult, advertisements are already become a thing that you must see or hear everyday. The reason is advertisements are everywhere now and show every moment. Also, Kalle Lasn said that "advertisements are the most prevalent and toxic of the mental pollutants", that means there are advantages and disadvantages come from advertisements. Therefore, we need to choose carefully by ourselves.

                The way for the advertisements are become more popular. "There is nowhere to run. No one is exempt and no one will be spared" which are from the passage is correct. Not only in television or radio which are the most common ways, but also everywhere that people will be always connected. For instance, when you are using the computer, there is a lot of advertisements on the website. Moreover, many big words and topics which are showed on the newspaper to attract your attention. Even when you are going to the restroom, you still can find some advertisements which are posted behind the door.

                However, not all the advertisements are good for us. The advertisements which are showed did not have evidence to prove that they are telling the truth or not. Most of the companies will exaggerate their products' quality to attract as more as the customers to earn more money. From the passage, " Your kids watch Pepsi and Snickers ads in the classroom", we can know that children watch television everyday no matter where they are and they will be attracted by the advertisements which are showed. Even some of the food or drink is not good for health, they will still always eat or drink them. Therefore, that is the reason that why we need to choose which advertisements are good for us, but not just blind to trust all of them.

               In conclusion, advertisements are all over the world and cannot be avoided now. No one is exempt. By business side, companies do not do anything wrong. So, the thing that we can do is to select carefully.


  1. Hi Allie and welcome to the class! You have some good ideas here. I will be speaking with you soon about what you need to work on now.

  2. And what a funky font you have. I like it.
